We Give a Crap
To our core, Poo~Pourri promotes and encourages important, heathy and sometimes hard conversations for change—it’s who we are. We believe all people should have a voice, the opportunity to succeed, and a safe environment to grow, pursue their dreams and bare their genius. That is why Poo~Pourri supports programs around the world that help push other’s forward.
Join us in turning crappy into happy through support of the organizations below.

the bee cause project
~Pourri partnered with The Bee Cause Project in spring 2022, helping protect 6 million honeybees and almost 1 million native bees with our donation and 300+ educational pollinator kits. This donation will help plant over 1.3 million native flowers in over 10,000 households and over 60,000 square feet of wildflowers on school campuses around the US.
Protecting our planet's most precious pollinators should be everyone's top priority. Bees are responsible for pollinating 70% of the top 100 food crops worldwide, that is one in every three bites of food on our plates. These hardworking insects also pollinate a wide variety of plants that provide food for other animals, and in the case of honey bees, produce wax, honey, and propolis.

stand up to cancer
Cancer never takes a break, and nor will Stand Up To Cancer’s efforts to end this disease. In the U.S., nearly 5,000 people are diagnosed with cancer every day, and one person is lost to cancer every minute. Stand Up To Cancer (SU2C) brings together the best and the brightest in the cancer community, and by galvanizing the entertainment industry.
SU2C generates awareness, educates the public on cancer prevention, and helps more people diagnosed with cancer become long-term survivors. To learn more, visit StandUpToCancer.org. Stand Up To Cancer is a division of the Entertainment Industry Foundation (EIF), a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.
world toilet organization: rainbow toilet program
2.4 billion people are struggling to stay well, keep their children alive and work their way to a better future—all for the want of a toilet. Clean and safe toilets help prevent child deaths from diarrheal disease, and keep more girls in school by increasing attendance rates. We believe that everyone should have access to a nice, safe place to go. That is why Poo~Pourri partnered with the World Toilet Organization, donating $50,000 on World Toilet Day to help them build “Rainbow Toilets” for school kids who don’t currently have access to safe and sanitary plumbing.

national coalition against domestic violence
Domestic violence is an issue that’s close to our hearts, as Poo~Pourri’s Founder and CEO, Suzy Batiz, is a survivor of domestic abuse. Per the NCADV website, 1 in 3 women have been a recipient of physical violence by an intimate partner within their lifetime. To support these survivors, Poo~Pourri recently donated over $30,000 dollars the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV).