Let's Get Real About the Other "P" Word – ~Pourri
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Let's Get Real About the Other "P" Word

Let’s talk about the other "P” word… Periods. More specifically, how your period changes your poop. If it isn’t enough to have our bodies taken over by hormones for a week each month, we also must face changes in our daily bodily functions, such as pooping. There is some crazy science behind this dreaded week; and Poo~Pourri is happy to help by giving you a few tips on how to get your shit under control – quite literally.

Those pesky prostaglandins stay in your uterus; some travel to your bowels causing them to contract

We ladies all know that feeling of our periods approaching, cramps, emotions, exhaustion, and often a change in our pooping routine. The first few days of your period your body begins to release prostaglandins; which are hormone-like compounds. Prostaglandins, according to Women’s Health, have several complex roles, and one being the trigger telling your uterus to contract, causing cramps. To make an uncomfortable period-of-time worse, not all those pesky prostaglandins stay in your uterus; some travel to your bowels causing them to contract as well. It’s safe to say we all know what happens next.

Here are a few helpful tips on how to control the shituation, and keep your routine as normal as possible during “shark week.”

Keep Your Diet Clean

Sometimes our hormonal cravings get the best of us and regardless of how much will power we can muster up, we still find ourselves eating those chocolate covered…well literally anything covered in chocolate. If you can keep your diet as normal and healthy as possible, your body won’t react as quickly to the release of those prostaglandins.

R-E-L-A-X, Don’t Stress

According to Dr. Jennifer Gunter, M.D. out of San Francisco and Women’s Health, “There are more neurons in the gastrointestinal tract than in your brain and spinal cord (wow!). When you get nervous, it throws your bowels out of whack.” So, try not to over-stress during the week of your period, and leave the overanalyzing to the other three weeks of the month.

There are more neurons in the gastrointestinal tract than in your brain and spinal cord (wow!)

Clary Sage

This often unheard of essential oil is known for its uterine uses. Aromatherapists often suggest massaging the oil on your skin over your ovaries for a soothing relief, and even to reduce the effects of hot flashes. “In a study conducted on school girls, massaging a few drops of Clary sage oil diluted in a carrier oil on the abdomen once a day was found to provide significant relief.” Sierra Bright of Natural Living Ideas.

One Ibuprofen

Taking an ibuprofen 24 hours prior to the start of your period will stop the release of new prostaglandins and will, in-turn, reduce the amount of these little hormone compounds in your body. Taking the ibuprofen before your period starts is key though, waiting will not prevent the release of the prostaglandins.