Happy National Limerick Day! – ~Pourri
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Happy National Limerick Day!

Fun Fact: National Limerick Day is set on May 12th to mark the birthday of Edward Lear, the English writer known for his works of nonsensical prose and poetry.

Did you know that there’s a limerick printed on every bottle of Poo~Pourri? On the side of each bottle, we’ve crafted a unique poo-em for every scent to keep you occupied while you’re sitting on the porcelain throne (like the true court jesters we are). Since it’s a celebratory day for these special rhymes, we thought we’d throw it back and take a look at our top 5 favorite limericks throughout the years. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the good reads while you finish dropping your royal jewels.

Before celebrating a big day, give the bowl a preemptive spray. So raise your glass and save your class. Cheers to a stink-free soiree!

The Poo-Pourri toilet spray bottle features an elegant black and gold design against a crisp white background, offering both style and functionality.

There once was a lad from Rhône, whose odor he’d rather disown. Now he’s taming his poo, by anointing the loo, and now happily sits on his throne!

There once was a man named Ray, who saved his crew with a spray. Trapped odor below deck, avoided a shipwreck, now it’s smooth sailing anchors aweigh!

The Poo-Pourri Before-You-Go toilet spray bottle features a vibrant, ornate design on the label, adding a touch of elegance to your bathroom routine.

There once was a hippie named True, bathroom odor made her blue. Now her stars are aligned, with a spritz every time, and her karma cosmically grew.

To keep him safe from attacks, a hunter must cover his tracks. So spritz the bowl first, the smell is reversed. Keep the target away from your cracks.